Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 August 31, 2022

Season's end at The Blueberry Patch Farm in Leaburg, OR


Today, a warm light breeze blows through the blueberry bushes causing them to dance with joy. That simple thing reminds me of the smiles and laughter of the blueberry pickers as they enjoyed their times at The Blueberry Patch this summer.

Today, I am thankful that our hearts and hands played a part in producing those happy memories for the families who spent time searching for and picking the harvest.

I am thankful for the worker's hands that touched each of the bushes with care as they labored through the seasons to bring about the harvest.

Much more than producing blueberries that will last only for a season, our hands produced those memorable "todays" that will live for life times by the retelling of visiting blueberry pickers days at Blueberry Patch. They will tell it in there own way, and may not know that it was when the children, and the rare grownups, were able to become absorbed in the one thing that mattered; picking blueberries. They had allowed themselves to do the one thing of being among the blueberries and for that "Today," nothing else existed. The times here produced a way of knowing that took them to magical places of enchantment by doing the small and seemingly simple and insignificant thing of picking blueberries. They may have thought that they were just filling their freezers with blueberries, but memories were also filling their hearts. 

My hope is that "Today" and hopefully every "Today" yet to come, will fill my heart with gratitude for the one simple thing of being with the blueberries.

May I always remember the sacredness of Today and that what is here in this moment beneath my feet is the most important moment there is.

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Blueberry Season is still going at the Blueberry Patch Farm

8/4/22 Important Update
This next few weeks could be the best picking of the season. With lots of blueberries on the bushes, you can pick large quantities to fill your freezers! Bring your own take home containers or buy boxes at the booth
Back to normal hours of 7:30 - 5:30 all week.

You Pick $2.50 per pound with bulk discounts available.
Farm Picked and Frozen are $4.50 per pound
Text Chuck at 541-337-7526 for placing a Farm Picked Order and I'll get you on the calendar.
ORDER NOW for our Farm Picked Blueberries.
Last year, we sold out before September 1. We are selling out as fast as we can pick them!